Lesson of the Week: Steve Rogers- Trying to Stay Out Over the Ball and Clear the Left Hip

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

Steve is a high level senior amateur (played in last year’s U.S. Senior Am) but has been fighting pain in his right hip and lower back. We have always worked on Steve’s tendency to back up his upper body and come out from under himself with his lower, leading to late squaring of the hips and a right shoulder that drops down into impact without enough forward movement, the result usually being a fat iron shot or a pull as he runs out of right arm and is forced to utilize a throw type release. Here I suggest that Steve go to an open stance by pulling his left foot back a few inches to give his pelvis a head start toward clearing faster, while focusing on good posture and balance out over the balls of the feet in order to help keep the head out on the forehead line. With the lines drawn at address we can see that there is definite change in the swings and although it may appear to be quite subtle even small improvements can make a big difference, especially to players of Steve’s caliber.
I also take a quick look at Steve’s wife Elizabeth, who is an avid golf but has never taken a lesson before. As you will see she has nice motion and speed for an 18-20 handicap, but she needs to keep her pelvis deeper in the forward swing so she can get the benefit of the upper right side delivering more energy into impact. To give her some feedback as to what her hips are doing I put the short shaft in front of her knee line, and the results are quite promising.