Scott came all the way down from Minnesota to continue the work we did last March down in Boca Raton. In that lesson Scott’s swing had a steep approach, and as you will see he is not anything but steep. In fact, he has gotten himself a bit more in-to-out than he should be, mostly due to an overturned right side. My goal here was to have Scott feel like he was moving his right hip straight back (while keeping the knee flexed) instead of turning it, while at the same time holding his left knee position closer to its starting point. We squared in the right foot and counter-rotated the hips a bit at address, all of which helped the club swing back up the plane instead of low and inside. We also talked about the non-use of the right shoulder blade in the upper trunk turn, and as you will see the end result is an on plane top of the swing position, a more cleared pivot heading into impact, and ultimately a better impact position from both camera views.