Lesson of the Week: Rick McCall PGA- Working on Set-up, Right Arm Movement and Hip Depth

By Wayne | Videos


Rick has been a club professional and/or college golf coach for many years. Now that he is out of coaching, he wants to teach and play in more competition, but he feels held back by his inability to keep his driver in play. Watching the first swings of the lesson Rick’s balance looks slightly toward his heels, and when he takes the club away his hands move away from his body while his left wrist moves quickly into flexion. This leads to his right arm staying pinched in front of his body, keeping the left arm from gaining any depth. From his laid off position at the top Rick pulls his right arm behind him (you’ll see the grip end of the club move backwards in transition, setting up an overall motion where the lower body wants to move toward the ball, keeping his left leg from being able to push back and clear). I suggest a set-up change to one that is more toward the balls of the feet, and with the hands lower at address, a takeaway that is more inward and on plane. I encourage Rick to consciously add a bit of bend to his right arm from P1 to P3 as well as additional right hip depth, where he can then set it in a nice spot at P4, feeling like he has created more space for his arms in the downswing. From here the hope is that he won’t feel a need to pull the right shoulder further behind him, and if his arms can then simply descend toward his original hand and shaft position at address, his lower body can respond by staying deeper and allowing him to pressure the left foot from front to back. The key here is to get rid of the feeling that the left leg is always stuck with the hips stalling into impact.










