Lesson of the Week: Kayla Perkins

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

Kayla is a 13 year old member of my previous club and has pretty much just started getting serious about playing competitive golf. It is always gratifying to work with talent, and when you watch Kayla swing the club with fluidity and speed you know that she has it. When we started her biggest issue was sequence, as she tended to start her downswing by leaning her upper body to left and compounded the problem by releasing the club early, a big cause of erratic club/ball contact. As you can see here, she has made tremendous progress in both respects. I was out on a playing lesson with her back in October and watched her absolutely flush a drive 250 yards. But the biggest jump forward in her game will be when we get the hands more forward at impact without leaning the head in front of the ball. This will also help tremendously with her short game, where contact is everything.