Lesson of the Week: Joseph Barr Part 2

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

Joseph has just completed 4 years on the golf team at the University of Kentucky, and is now contemplating playing in some professional events. I have been working with him for about 2 years, although I haven’t seen him more than 3 or 4 times. Even so, he has made great strides with his swing, which was quite idiosyncratic to begin with, and still is to an extent, especially with the driver. Joseph has a unique way of finding a shaft plane approach, but when I saw the amount of head drop and spine tilt in the impact area I thought it was my obligation to fix it, or at least moderate it, as I had suffered major back problems with similar body movements when I was young. He has come a long way with his iron swing, and you will see here how we are continuing to try to get his body to open up at impact so he won’t have to tilt back so much, but his driver swing continues to exhibit a vertical hand drop from the top and a ton of lowering and bending backwards. As you will see, he is perfectly capable of making a wonderful looking iron swing when he does the stop and go drill, and he will have to incorporate this into his driver as well. Anyone who can lag the club like this has a chance to be a very good player, so we will keep working on simplifying his action so that he can make a go of it as a professional.
Click here for part one.