Lesson of the Week: Henry Quartullo-Backswing Path Opens Pathway to More Power

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

Henry came to me despondent about his diminished ability to create speed and distance with his swing. I could see right away that the way he was using his right arm in the backswing, bending it and pulling it directly behind him, was restricting his backswing to the point that added in with little hip depth and rotation left him with no potential to hit the ball far enough to make the game fun. I used a simple shaft in the ground to get Henry to extend his backswing more away from him and on plane and encouraged him to try to push his right hip back as far as he could. As he succeeded in getting his club to miss hitting the shaft he saw right away that his shoulder turn and arm swing both increased, and he felt like he now had a chance to put some oomph behind his shots.