As you will see in the first few full speed swings in this lesson Dmitri can really hit the ball. He plays to a scratch and competes in amateur events in New Jersey (he’s the club champ at his club) but would like to achieve a higher quality strike with his irons. He feels as though he could compress the ball better and control his ball flight to a greater degree, and when we slow down his swing it is apparent how that can be accomplished. I would like Dmitri to do 3 things to improve his swing: set up with his weight less on his heels and more out over the ball on the balls of his feet, take the club back on plane instead of low and underneath his hands, and increase the aggressiveness of his leg movement to accentuate both lateral drive and rotation so that his body movement can help his hands get more forward at address. The station we set up at the end of the lesson would be valuable for anyone to utilize, and the differences in the before and after swings show subtle but important improvement over the hour and a half of instruction.