Just about all of the elite juniors that I teach now hit the ball quite far, often carrying their drives 280-300 yards. Distance will never really be the big problem for these players; rather, it will be their ability to control distance, direction and trajectory that will determine their ability to raise the level of their play. Connor came to me for the first time from Richmond just over a year ago after having some success as a 15- year old but needing help to make his swing and his ball striking more consistent. You will see the progress we have made with his swing mechanics in general, more specifically in stabilizing his lower body movement and his transition, which has led to a much improved move through impact. There are some that would say a kid who is already showing signs of being good should be left alone for the most part and allowed to play by “feel”, but I have always felt that the best “feel” came from a solid, compressed impact and when the natural swing produces a flippy impact I feel it is my job to teach the player how clubface control in the hitting area allows the player to feel the ball come off the club and to be able to manipulate it as he or she wishes