This might as well be a commercial for the Posture Pod, as Chris is a prime example of a good player who can’t quite get to the next level because of his up and under lower body movement, the exact thing that the Posture Pod was designed to help. All the familiar patterns are here, with the right leg going forward toward the ball and the head backing up, while the right arm falls behind the body and releases out to the right through impact. A lot of what separates this website and my teaching from others is that we put a lot of focus on body movement and the use of the ground to drive the swing, and this lesson demonstrates clearly what is a huge problem for players who struggle to square the face consistently and to produce solid strikes with the ball on the ground. The idea is to create space for the right arm to pass freely in front of the body in the impact area, allowing it to straighten later in the swing and to produce a forward leaning shaft at impact with the irons. One thing the Posture Pod does not do is to monitor the head position, and as you will see here the attempt to keep the hips deeper during the swing will almost always engender a head that pulls back away from its starting position: thus, it is imperative that the player keep in mind that keeping the head out over the ball (up against the wall) is a hugely important factor when working on this stuff. In any event, after two hours of working on this Chris was physically exhausted, but as I always say, “hey, it’s a sport. Why would you think that it would be easy?”