Billy is a website member from California and when he saw that I was going to be in Phoenix he took a quick flight over for a lesson. Billy was a 1 handicap before he broke his back in a car accident in Mexico and now is a frustrated 5 even though he has gotten his strength and mobility back. I always watch my students hit a few full shots while asking them about their background and how they feel about what they are doing at the moment, and sometimes I can spot some obvious things right away that I know will be a big help, even before I film the swing. I always feel obligated to correct posture issues, especially when the player’s weight is way back in the heels and the knees are overly bent. Every time I see that I pretty much know that in the video the player will gravitate toward the toes during the swing, producing the “out of the box” goat hump pattern that usually causes impact problems. From the face on view Billy was leaning on his left side instead of centering his weight. In addition, Billy’s grip was exceedingly loose in both hands, and I could see the last 3 fingers of the left hand coming off the club in transition. In the video you will see Billy do a few stop-and-goes with his posture and grip corrected, and with a bit of right load in the backswing the whole thing looked a ton better.