Lesson of the Week: Austin Lyons- Working on a Fuller Swing and Better Impact

By Wayne | Videos


Austin has made great improvements in his swing technique over the 10 years we have been working together (1-3 times a year, 4 hours over 2 days), and each time he comes I try to deal with the swing he brings and give him things to work on until I see him again. In this lesson I note right away that his swing looks too short, and his impact is still way too flippy. The shortness of his swing seems to be a result of his lower body interrupting the backswing too soon, which is something I try to get players to do in order to shorten an overly long swing. I suggest to Austin that he encourage his left knee to move inward behind the ball for a longer period of time before it moves back to the left, and we do some stop and go drill swings to get the feel. The video tells Austin that he is perfectly capable of making the longer backswing and that it is not a flexibility problem. The flip release issue requires focused impact work, so we hit punch shots and a variation on the punch, the pre-set punch, and work on the feeling of the clubface closing while the right wrist stays bent back (in extension) and the left wrist bows forward (into flexion). Austin is delighted to see a much improved impact where he sustains the line of compression past the ball. The goal, of course, is to put the longer swing (more potential speed) together with the better impact (more ball com