Austin has been coming down from Connecticut about every 3 months for a couple of years. He likes to spend 3 hours at a session, and works on my suggestions in between with as much time as his job and home life allow. He was frustrated with the teachers in his area as they tended to shy away from detailed analysis, telling Austin that his swing was “OK” or “pretty good” and that he needed to be less technical and more inclined to just trying to play with “what you’ve got”. The problem was that Austin’s ball striking was substandard, and he knew that the work he was putting in was not paying dividends, which probably meant that he wasn’t working on the right things. As you will see, there is a certain amount of quirkiness in Austin’s swing which makes the analysis interesting and the work difficult. Austin has seen improvement, however, even though he is not satisfied yet with the progress he wants in his swing. This is evidence that the right ideas can be helpful even when the swing does not appear to changing as quickly as we would like.