Improvement: Peter Procops, PGA Part 7

By Wayne | Improvement

Peter is a fellow PGA professional who played the South American tour (Tour De Las Americas) for 5 years and Golden Bear Tour (Mini Tour) 5 years 1997-2001. So far in our series of lessons this is the best face-on video I’ve seen from Peter. There’s space under the right arm in the take away, he’s staying down in transition, there’s a good amount of lateral drive and the approach width is good for the driver, very nice improvement from the face-on view. The down-the-line view is where we start so see some issues. One problem is the way Peter’s lower body is moving and another is even though he’s flattening nicely in transition the shaft just stays flat where it needs to steepen and the shaft staying flat like that causes a stuck approach position.Click here to start at the beginning of the series. Each video has a link to the next so you can easily progress through them.
Peter’s Commentary:

Most of the corrections Wayne points out were flaws he’s told me about before that improved with time. But the biggest new correction was the downswing.
All my life I’ve played golf one way, and that was getting the club stuck behind me by flattening the shaft and flipping it, having to time it perfectly. The hardest thing about this lesson was changing that old movement pattern that I’ve grooved for years…especially under the gun. The old pattern was a weak shot that produced hooks, snap hooks and pushes.
At first what Wayne told me seemed foreign and impossible to achieve and if I spent enough time hitting balls with a purpose I would begin to see results. Swinging out to the right was very easy for me but if I wanted to be a better ball striker I had to learn how to steepen the shaft and swing left. It felt like I would be cutting the ball and start the ball left, but in reality the ball started straight and produced a much stronger, straighter hit. I had to start with my wedges and work my way down through the bag. The driver was the hardest to change. And even to this day I still have to work on it if I go too long without focusing on it.
The more I worked with Wayne, the more I became aware of all my swing flaws that impeded my ball striking. This was a big piece that would lead to some great consistent shots.

Click here for part 8