Anyone who has watched my videos over the years knows that I always comment on the “Hip Box” that I draw from the back of the butt and from the front of the knee line in the down the line view. Very few amateurs accomplish what the Tour players do regularly: get deeper in the backswing (the right cheek moving back behind the butt line while maintaining knee flex and keeping the head out on the forehead line) and then staying deep in the forward swing, creating room for the right arm to pass through impact unimpeded. Not every Tour player does this, but the majority do, and when lesser players almost universally don’t, it becomes obvious that this pivot movement is one of the main elements that distinguishes the best players from the wannabes. This definitely takes some athletic ability: I can attest to the fact that a faulty back will make this difficult to perfectly, although I still think it is to the player’s advantage to try to do this as best as the body will allow. In my next series of videos, I will go into detail about how to work on this in a practice session, and how to think about it on the golf course.