Golf is truly a challenge for all those who attempt it. If you are first stopping at this web site I have to figure it’s for a couple of reasons: you are fascinated by the game and therefore are interested to hear or see anything anybody has to say about it, and, more importantly, you want to find something that will help you to improve.

When asked about his “goals”, the best player in the world, Tiger Woods, states emphatically that his one goal is to “get better”, and that everything else will take care of itself. As a teacher with 25 years of experience, and as a player who has played in 8 major championships and won numerous titles as a club professional, I believe that this is the best way, the only way, to approach the game.

In this web site I will provide you with everything I have to offer you in order to help you improve. I invite you to join, and as a member become privy to detailed analysis of every facet of the game. Have fun!