I created this drill to help me attack a major issue in my own swing, which is also an issue a number of the web site members have. This concerns the move required to load and compress in the back-swing while keeping the hips nice and deep creating room for the right arm in front of the body in the forward swing. I found this drill actually helped me create a greater amount of “catch” and I started hitting it further than I ever have before. If rising up or not compressing in the back-swing is an issue in your swing give this drill a try and let me know your results in the comments section below.
A couple things to remember: always think of keeping your head out over the ball or “up against the wall” (the vertical line I draw on the forehead), and make sure the grip end is moving up and left as soon as the shaft gets to parallel to the ground in the forward swing. When you keep your head out you can stay deep and not fall back. This will lower you and make it feel like you might stick the club into the ground, but you will remember that if the clubhead is going to move down, out, and forward to get to the ball from the point that the shaft is parallel to the ground, then at the same time the other end of the stick (the grip end, where your hands are) must do the opposite and go up and left (and still forward).