I’ve tried to avoid doing as many of this type of video (although I know everybody on the website enjoys them) because we are trying primarily to focus on making people better golfers, not on dwelling on ridiculous commentary from the TV guys. But I get so annoyed listening to Brandel Chamblee that when it’s clear that he is purposely overreacting and making unbelievable statements (such as “I doubt that there is a single amateur player at this club as bad around the greens as Tiger was this week”, or “this is the worst short game display I’ve ever seen put on display by a professional golfer in any tournament, anywhere, anywhere in the world I’ve never seen anything that bad by a professional golfer”) that I just can’t help myself. And when he starts to get into the technique aspect of the shots he’s just as bad. His comments about Tiger’s right arm being “flat” and his “release patterns” are nonsensical. The guy used to be a good player. How about going out and hitting a few of the shots, or giving the viewers a closer look at the types of lies the players are facing and the options they have to play the shots. But no, he just takes every opportunity to hammer Tiger and throw in a barb at Sean Foley, another person he seems to hate with all his being. I can’t wait for the day where either Chamblee is gone or I get a chance to sit next to him and at least show people just how hateful and uninformed he really is. When I talk to people about this they usually say something like “well, you’re talking about him aren’t you? Isn’t that what he’s hired for? Yes, I suppose so, but that doesn’t mean he has a free pass to be entirely disrespectful of the one guy who has made his career as a golf broadcaster possible, as I can guarantee you the Golf Channel never would have made it if Tiger had never existed.