Chamblee Changes his Tune on Tiger

By Wayne | Videos: As Seen On TV and Extras

If it wasn’t obvious before, it certainly should be now: Brandel Chamblee, like the finest politicians, will say whatever fits the situation, paying no mind to anything he has said in the past. I suppose that is the nature of television. You are required to fill up space and do it in an interesting fashion in order to keep your job. If you can make it look like you are an authority and can conjure up a little controversy as well you might even become a star. Chamblee has smartly chosen Tiger Woods as the main subject for his analysis, and seeks to be somewhat of an “authority” on Tiger’s swing and the changes that he has been going through over the years. Tiger moves the needle unlike any other player, and it is with interest that viewers watch detailed analysis of anything and everything he does. Chamblee’s problem (in my mind, maybe not the viewing audience, who tend to forget what they watch as soon as the next thing comes along) is that he constantly changes his focus and views on Tiger’s game, and it seems almost 100% expedient, meaning, like you see in this video, that the same movements and techniques are bad when they don’t work, and great when they do. Well, they are either one or the other, because you can’t have it both ways. However, in TV land, where what you say doesn’t mean anything because no one is there to hold you accountable (unless you are politically incorrect) you can exhibit such inconsistency because no one notices. Of course, that is where I come in, and I see it as my job to keep these guys honest, which means that what you said a month ago means something to me, and I am going to compare it to what you say now. It bothers me to no end when Chamblee attacks Tiger and especially his teacher, Sean Foley, with hysterical misinformation about what they are working on and the consequences of the mechanics. Chamblee has never given a lesson in his life and has no idea what Tiger is up to. He has at least begun to study a bit more (see my companion video which highlights Chamblee ripping me off), but he is still woefully inadequate when referring to what a golf swing does or does not do. The Golf Channel seems enamored with him, however, so we are stuck with him for the foreseeable future, which is not really a bad thing because he is wonderful content generator for the website.