Category Archives for "Articles: The Mental Game"

The Dreaded Slump

By Wayne | Articles: The Mental Game

It all starts to break down, slowly at first, so that you hardly notice, a bad round, followed by another. Just a few shots higher, but that feeling of control is slipping away. The shots aren’t as solid, there are more trees in the way of your imperfect drives, the putts are lipping out instead of in.

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Just Trust It?

By Wayne | Articles: The Mental Game

How many times have you heard or been told, especially after a poor shot, to “just trust it”, or “just swing the club and don’t think about it so much”? Quite a few, I’d be willing to bet. Think back on how that advice affected your next shot, or series of shots for the rest […]

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The Mood of The Warrior

By Wayne | Articles: The Mental Game

“One needs the mood of a warrior for every single act”… “There is no power in a life that lacks this mood. Look at yourself. Everything offends and upsets you. You are a leaf at the mercy of the wind. A warrior, on the other hand, is a hunter. He calculates everything. That’s control. But […]

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Golf is NOT a Game of Confidence

By Wayne | Articles: The Mental Game

You might be wondering, after reading the title of this article, whether or not there was a typo in the wording. “Doesn’t he mean the opposite?” you might suppose. Isn’t it an accepted fact that confidence is everything to a golfer, and that without it you are destined to fail? It would certainly be against the grain to suggest that confidence is not a good thing, but that is not what I am going to postulate here.

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