I find it hard to believe that a guy who fancies himself as a golf “expert” would put such wrongheaded nonsense out for public consumption. Bill Kratzert is proving himself to right in there with Johnny Miller, Nick Faldo, Brandel Chamblee, and the rest of the bunch when he steadfastly maintains that Tiger’s head is “steady”, not moving to the right or up and down when in fact the very video he is analyzing proves him to be totally wrong. I mean, the video is playing, Kratzert is commentating, and what he is saying has nothing to do with what Tiger is doing. When Kratzert says that Tiger’s head doesn’t move to the right, the video shows that it does: when he says that Tiger’s head doesn’t move up and down, again the video shows that it does.
If there is a moral to the story other than the fact that these guys think they know what they know and are confident that they know everything, it is that if you don’t draw the lines and establish the initial conditions it is hard to tell what is moving where. Certainly the evidence here points to the fact that without the lines Kratzert’s commentary could possibly be viewed as correct. But with the set up position defined and the movement afterward quantified it is obvious that Kratzert is dead wrong, and not for the first time. The other guys are learning, and Billy is going to have to do the same in order not to be looked upon as incompetent.