Christaan Bezuidenhout: Swing Analysis

By Wayne | Videos: Swing Analysis

This guy is doing what every mini-tour player dreams of: going from a small tour (South Africa), to a minor league tour in a different country (the Challenge Tour), through European Q-School, to a win on the European Tour, and now to a spot in the top 50 in the world rankings. He swings with a wonderful rhythm, seemingly unhurried and appearing unfazed by events during the round, with solid technique. His backswing is picture perfect as he utilizes a right forearm style takeaway to get the clubface open and the shaft on plane, arriving at a nice-looking position at the top. From there his transition move gets quite interesting, as he “helicopters” the club sideways with his hands and forearms, laying the shaft back while pulling the handle straight down. This is usually a recipe for getting “stuck’, and he does seem to have the shaft coming in from a bit behind his hands on most shots, shots which are mainly right to left. Even though he faded to a 79 and an 18th place finish at Bay Hill I see him succeeding on the big stage when things get back to normal.