I originally titled this video “soft pitch shots”, but then decided to change the name to “standard”, as I would call this my “stock” short pitch shot hit with a 58 degree wedge instead of it being a specialty shot with variations off of normal. This is the shot you would hit from a short distance where the pin is fairly close (so there cannot be an excessive amount of run, which would be a lower shot hit with the 52 degree wedge), but not so close as to require variations which would give the shot extra height other than a slightly more open face for a gentler landing.
The standard play here is our normal pitch setup (ball centered, open stance, weight slightly left, hands slightly forward) with the one change to a more open clubface. As you will see in the video the swing involves less arm swing going back (and very little body movement), more wrist cock, and still a significant amount of forward pivot motion (the standard 45 degree push). Contact is still ball first, which will give the shot a crisp feeling even as it comes off a bit higher and softer. Later in the video I go over the special situation of needing an extra high ball flight, which would lead us to the “flop” shot, or one where we use the bounce of the club and allow the ball to roll up the face for more initial loft. It is important to note that I reserve this shot for extreme situations, and often times go long spells without having to use it.