Playing for Money: Joey Latowski

By Wayne | Videos: Playing For Money

I think you will find this an interesting lesson as you watch the unique shaft progression in Joey’s swing. He starts a bit on his heels, and then moves much deeper into the heels by rocking backwards at the start of the takeaway. This leads to a radically laid off position at the top, and he is left with steepening the downswing immediately from the top. This movement leaves his right upper arm well behind his side, and as a result he can’t really get his hands far enough in front of the ball to deliver a blow with enough forward lean. The following email came to me after Joey received the lesson, and I follow that with my response.
Wayne, I was able to watch the lesson several times and really liked what you had to say. I do have a couple questions. The first was in regards to the right elbow folding earlier in the takeaway and the clubface rotating more to toe up. Will having softer arms and bit of angle in the right arm at address achieve this or do I need to work on folding the right arm earlier and rotating the face? The second was about getting the right elbow in front of the right hip prior to impact instead of buried into my side. Is that something you believe will occur because of a better backswing position or something I need to try to achieve in the downswing? Any drills or other advice would be great as well. I’m eager to get started and look forward to hearing back. Thanks again, Joey.
Joey: There’s no telling what will happen when you add new ideas to your swing. Sometimes one thing leads to the next and sometimes not. It’s not even for sure that you will incorporate the first things without looking at it and trying to exaggerate it. You have to use your camera to see what happens. Any sort of segmented, stop and go type drill is appropriate for getting the feel of using new positions and trying to add downswing ideas to backswing ideas.