Here we have a mini-tour player who has been struggling with his ball striking. Daryl played a few rounds with another of my students, Chris McCartin, and was impressed with Chris’s swing, so he decided to come up and have me check out his action. One thing to remember about taking lessons: it is 100% voluntary. No one over the age of 17 has ever been forced to take a golf lesson, so the notion that a teacher can “ruin” a player with a faulty method or poor instruction in general is absurd. It is entirely up to the student to sign up for the lesson, and then to either continue or not. Fortunately Daryl has been coming for some time and has seen his swing change for the better.
More specifically, Daryl had an issue in a very difficult part of the swing to change, that is the transition from back to forward. There are a ton of things happening simultaneously or in precise sequence, and when a player builds a pattern and has some success (not enough) with that pattern it is extremely hard to change. His shaft would steepen starting forward instead of shallowing, and consequently he would shallow the shaft late and get it stuck behind him. As you will see, this has to do with just about everything that goes on his swing, starting with his takeaway and backswing progression. The notion that there is a simple fix for something like this, that Daryl could rely on someone teaching him the “fundamentals”, is simplistic and ridiculous. As you watch me try to put his swing in better order you are seeing 25 years of teaching experience being put to the test.