Lesson of the Week: Jeffrey Stoneberger-Working on Width and Maintaining Posture with the Driver

By Wayne | Videos , Videos: Online Students

  Jeffrey came to see me regarding his recent struggles with his driver. He is a single digit handicap, but as you know, driving the ball poorly makes the rest of the game much more difficult and scoring well nearly impossible. Looking at the video from-s face on I’d like to see Jeff widen his stance a bit and try to get more extension away from his body in the takeaway. He tends to get narrow early with his right arm, and as he gets to the top his upper body leans forward, leaving the right leg behind and disrupting…

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Lesson of the Week: Carlos Sera- Grip Pressure and Right Arm Issues

By Wayne | Videos , Videos: Online Students

    Carlos is an excellent senior player that I last saw many years ago. He has come for a look due to his trouble hitting solid hybrid and long to middle iron shots. I first noted Carlos’ grip and the appearance of looseness, especially with the right hand. He was surprised when I told him of the importance of firm pressure in the last three fingers of the left hand, and even more surprised, almost shocked, at the amount of pressure I demonstrated for him between the right palm and the left thumb, something that words cannot readily describe…

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Lesson of the Week: Jeff Huntzinger-Working on a Better Backswing Pivot

By Wayne | Videos , Videos: Online Students

  Jeff’s ball striking had deteriorated recently, especially with the irons, experiencing constant right to left spin and overdraws along with the odd block out to the right. We noticed right away that he was tilting his head to the right at address, then immediately moving it to the left as his backswing started. The swing, being a continuous motion, moves in patterns, and Jeff’s leftward tilt was followed by a rightward tilt in the forward swing. At the same time the head was moving back to the right, it was also pulling away from the ball. With the upper…

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Lesson of the Week: Wes Sampson- Continuing the Rework with a Significant Tempo Change

By Wayne | Videos , Videos: Online Students

  Wes is developing a greater understanding of the mechanics of the golf swing, but his execution still needs work. In this lesson I utilize the metronome to speed up his swing and to start the forward swing earlier, hopefully reducing the right arm and shoulder pullback that leaves him out of position to route the club on plane in the forward swing. Wes has more than likely always approached impact from out to in, and thus has never had incentive to close the face or to drive his hips on the 45-degree angle I always talk about. Using the…

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Lesson of the Week: Wes Sampson- Reworking the Swing

By Wayne | Videos , Videos: Online Students

      Many of my lessons are with players who are interested in learning about the swing in general, and specifically how to improve their own swing in an overall sense. In other words, they don’t have one perceived issue they want solved, they just want to get better and are willing to do what it takes to improve. The key is incremental progress, which comes through a process of trial and error. In a couple of 2-hour lessons, Wes has already improved quite a bit, and with continuing help I am confident that he will see amazing progress,…

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Online Lesson: Gabriel Rohleder- Right Arm Backswing Issues Lead to Stuck Approach

By Wayne | Videos , Videos: Online Students

    “Wayne, excited to hear from you. Really enjoy your videos. I have always hit it pretty high and have focused on bringing down the flight to something more reasonable. I put in some swing work over the winter and the video links include what feels like a stock shot to me. Performed speed work last year and things got too long and over-rotated so drilled the Tommy Fleetwood knockdown drill a lot with irons. Have a coach that had previously focused on eliminating club face rotation, especially on backswing. Resisting the shaft rotating in backswing with my right-hand…

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Wayne D- Back to Working On My Own Swing

By Wayne | Videos , Videos: Online Students

    This is a cool video as I hit two 3-wood shots from identical camera angles and ball positions that appear to be almost identical swings but produce two radically different shots. One interesting thing is the appearance of the swings from a split screen perspective, as the right side of the screen looks to be aimed more to the right, even though it is not. My swing issues are still the same, but after 3+ years of working out every morning after my last fusion surgery I have lost weight, gained strength, and have finally been able to…

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Lesson of the Week: Rick McCall PGA- Working on Set-up, Right Arm Movement and Hip Depth

By Wayne | Videos , Videos: Online Students

  Rick has been a club professional and/or college golf coach for many years. Now that he is out of coaching, he wants to teach and play in more competition, but he feels held back by his inability to keep his driver in play. Watching the first swings of the lesson Rick’s balance looks slightly toward his heels, and when he takes the club away his hands move away from his body while his left wrist moves quickly into flexion. This leads to his right arm staying pinched in front of his body, keeping the left arm from gaining any…

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Online Lesson: Zachary Turek: Game Deteriorating, Needs an Opinion

By Wayne | Videos , Videos: Online Students

Online Lesson: Zachary Turek: Game Deteriorating, Needs an Opinion I gave Zach some lessons back in 2014-2017 that helped him play better and decide to stay in the golf business where he works now.  When Zach texted that he felt like he needed some help I had him send these swings. I approached these swings as though they had no history, even though I have swings saved from 2017, which, by the way, were a lot better in general, which meant that I simply had to get him back to what I knew he could do. One suggestion has to…

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Important Update!  Wayne has relocated to the Peninsula Golf and CC located in Millsboro, Delaware. Call (443) 831-1388 to schedule in-person lessons.