Tag Archives for " Peter Procops "

Online Lesson: Peter Procops

By Wayne | Videos: Online Students

Our old friend Pete is still grinding away, and while his swing has greatly improved he is still fighting tendencies that have been present for a long while as he contends with back issues. The main thing that a stiff, sore, painful back have on the swing is to restrict the separation of the upper and lower trunk movements during the full swing. The brain is wired to avoid pain, and even when the back is feeling OK it is difficult to move the body at full speed into places that previously have caused problems. I know this for a fact because I wrestle with it myself every day, and I can see in Pete’s swing that the things we want to see are difficult to achieve because the body simply avoids the positions, and it takes a huge amount of focus and physical effort to force what you would hope would be more natural.

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Lesson of the Week: Peter Procops

By Wayne | Videos: Lesson of the Week

This is the latest in my ongoing sessions with Peter, a club professional from New York who visits me in Florida every winter to try to improve his game so he can be competitive in the club pro tournaments that are available to play in. Peter has real back issues, and when he found out that I had similar problems and had somewhat overcome them he was interested in hearing what I had to say. We hit it off nicely, and Pete’s swing has improved tremendously over time.

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Improvement: Peter Procops, PGA Part 14

By Wayne | Improvement

Peter is a fellow PGA professional who played the South American tour (Tour De Las Americas) for 5 years and Golden Bear Tour (Mini Tour) 5 years 1997-2001. We’ve been following Peter as his swing progresses over a number of lessons and we continue with a composite of four short lessons. Peter is a talented player with a good swing and we’ve been working on the details to make it even better.

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Improvement: Peter Procops, PGA Part 13

By Wayne | Improvement

This lesson is a composite of four short lessons. In the first video Pete’s left knee is moving too far down and in I’d like it more stable so it can get out of the way sooner. Also the left wrist is cupped too long approaching impact. The next lesson we move on to the shoulders being a bit too flat so I’m looking for a bit more tilt here.

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Improvement: Peter Procops, PGA Part 12

By Wayne | Improvement

Peter is a fellow PGA professional who played the South American tour (Tour De Las Americas) for 5 years and Golden Bear Tour (Mini Tour) 5 years 1997-2001. In this lesson I’d like to see a stronger right hand grip with Peter rotating the face of the club more open in the backswing with the palms and clubface more on plane. I want to see the right shoulder externally rotating a bit faster helping keep the right arm from going behind and causing the crossed position at the top.

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Improvement: Peter Procops, PGA Part 11

By Wayne | Improvement

We start this lesson with an idea and to get that idea across I use a face-on driver swing of Ben Hogan as an example of what I want Peter to try and do. Peter’s right hip is returning to where it started causing a lift in transition. I want him to keep his right hip deep and drive it forward towards the target like the Hogan example including the snapping the left leg behind.

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Improvement: Peter Procops, PGA Part 9

By Wayne | Improvement

Peter is a fellow PGA professional who played the South American tour (Tour De Las Americas) for 5 years and Golden Bear Tour (Mini Tour) 5 years 1997-2001. Peter’s swing is looking better and better, he’s putting in the work and it’s definitely showing. His approach isn’t coming from a stuck position and the face-on view is showing an improved look through the impact area.

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Improvement: Peter Procops, PGA Part 8

By Wayne | Improvement

Peter has good athletic motion and here we’re starting right off with the takeaway and the difference in right load from the rehearsal to the real swing. Peter’s rehearsal is good and stable with nice hand and arm width while his regular swing starts with a slide off the ball and much less width. Now I do like to see some right load but I want to see it as a result of the width and not in an effort to create the width.

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Improvement: Peter Procops, PGA Part 7

By Wayne | Improvement

So far in our series of lessons this is the best face-on video I’ve seen from Peter. There’s space under the right arm in the take away, he’s staying down in transition, there’s a good amount of lateral drive and the approach width is good for the driver, very nice improvement from the face-on view. The down-the-line view is where we start so see some issues.

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