
Hello [memb_contact fields=”FirstName”], you are logged in as a [memb_user_levels format=”%%membershipname%%”] member. Scroll down to add or update your credit card and scroll to the bottom for account information.
Subscription data is only view-able to Premium subscribers that joined through the new cart. If you are not a paying subscriber or are a Premium member that joined through one of the the old carts you will not see subscription data. If you are Premium member that joined through one of the old carts and want to see the subscription data you will have to re-join through the new cart. If you’d like this please contact us through the support desk (click here) to assist you with the change over to the new cart. The old carts are secure, they just didn’t have the extra features we wanted to offer you.

[memb_has_any_tag tagid=”142,160,222,743,769,793,777,206,214,114,188,314,310,753,761″]

Update your card:
[memb_add_creditcard set_default=”yes” successurl=”/success-cc-added/” failureurl=”/fail/” ] [/twocol_one] [twocol_one_last] Add a new card:
[memb_add_creditcard set_default=”yes” successurl=”/success-cc-added/” failureurl=”/fail/” addonly=”1″] [/twocol_one_last] [else_memb_has_any_tag] Credit forms are only viewable to Premium subscribers.

[memb_list_subscriptions status=”active”] Line Number: %%line%%

Cycler: %%cycler%%

Subscription Name:

Subscription Status: %%subscription.status%%

Subscription Price: %%subscription.price%%

Subscription Billing Cycle: %%subscription.billingcycle%%

Credit Card: %%creditcard.last4%%

Card Type: %%creditcard.type%%

Card Expiration: %%creditcard.expmonth%% / %%creditcard.expyear%%

Subscription Start Date: %%subscription.startdate%%

Subscription Paid Through Date: %%subscription.paidthrough%%

Subscription Next Billing Date: %%subscription.nextbilling%%

[else_memb_list_subscriptions] Subscription data is only view-able to Premium subscribers that joined through the new cart. If you are not a paying subscriber or are a Premium member that joined through one of the the old carts you will not see subscription data. If you are Premium member that joined through one of the old carts and want to see the subscription data you will have to re-join through the new cart. If you’d like this please contact us through the support desk (click here) to assist you with the change over to the new cart. The old carts are secure, they just didn’t have the extra features we wanted to offer you.