Online Lesson: Barry Rochow- Needs Work on Width and Swing Shape

By Wayne D | Videos

Hi Wayne,

Enjoying your web site the content & detail is outstanding. I’ll send you my swing videos to look at & let me know what you think. I’m 59 years old and just starting to play golf again seriously. I used to play a lot back in my 20’s but due to work have not played as much as I would have liked to. I’m now scaling down work & joined a golf club & will be playing and practicing most days. I have the passion & desire to play again that I haven’t had for over 30 years. My swing needs major attention & I understand this will be a long-term project. My short game & putting is excellent, but I just don’t hit enough fairways and greens to have a reasonable score. My ugly throw release is hard to watch, and I miss greens & fairways left and right. I don’t want to start changing anything too much until you’ve had a look & not sure where to start either. Only thing I’ve done is got a bit more upright in my set up which you seem to favor in your lessons. My swing videos are taken on the course with driver & 6 iron. Lies are flat & camera angles I think are good. Really looking forward to any help you can give me Wayne.

Best wishes. Barry

Barry certainly has some nice things to serve as a foundation for his next foray into playing better golf. His fundamentals (grip, stance, posture, ball position etc.) are all spot on, but he is rightly concerned about his release, and, from closer inspection, I add here the issue of overall swing shape caused by a lack of width in the backswing which causes his upper right arm to get stuck behind him in the forward swing, which in turn contributes to his rightward “chase” exit after impact.  Barry needs to be able to push his right shoulder forward to drive his right arm more in front of him from P4 to P6, and he can’t do that with the shoulder blade retracted at the top. With more extension he can build space between the right arm and the body and keep the arm in front of him so that he has a chance to clear both his upper and lower and exit more around to the left after impact with a side – arm throwing motion, which helps the hands travel more forward and around with the club still cocked back (a “later” release).