Lesson of the Week: Mike Rushin PGA- Working on Hip Depth for Better Driving

By Wayne D | Videos

Mike is a perfect example of the new generation of physically large golf professionals who used to play other sports but now regularly carry the driver 320 plus. You still must hit the ball in play, however, and recently Mike has been scattering his drives left and right, feeling “jammed up” in the impact area and unable to control the clubface. His swing demonstrates excellent pivot sequence when viewed from face on, but from down the line the issue was obvious once the Wayne D lines were drawn on the setup. The video shows that while he initiated his downswing with perfect timing, the direction of his lateral drive was too far to the right, causing the pelvis to level out, the right leg to push up underneath him, and thus lose space needed for the right arm to have clearance and for the lower body to clear in a timely fashion. I used the stick between the feet drill to create an obstacle which would remind him to retain the tilt he had in his pelvis and to stay deep with his waist in transition as he shifted from right to left and rotated in the forward swing. The results were immediate: swing felt more rounded with more space for the arms as the hips were able to clear faster, giving a flatter ball flight with little side spin.