When Eric told me I was influential to his coaching career I thought that was very cool, and when he asked me to look at his swing I said, “let’s do it.” Eric does an impressive job with his online instruction, but as you all know us teachers are hyper critical of our own swings and chronic issues drive us crazy. In Eric’s case, he has always disliked his release action, which you will see is surprisingly flippy given that he gets his hands nicely up to the ball at P6 from the face on view. He has plenty of forward lean and can compress the ball nicely, but his right wrist loses extension quickly after impact while the left wrist breaks down into extension, a higher end version of a “throw” type release. When I see that I want to figure out what is causing the problem, and in this case the way he loads his hips in the backswing jumped right out at me. By center loading the hips without deepening Eric gets his lower body under him in the forward swing, which in turn traps his right arm behind his right side. His right arm has no way to stay bent into and past impact, which means he has no chance to utilize a more “drive/hold” release type where the right wrist stays more extended (bent back) and the left wrist more flexed (bent forward or bowed) well past impact as the face gradually closes. My advice for Eric is to load the hips against the right side of the hip box from face on while gaining depth, and then keeping or increasing that depth in transition to make more space for the right arm to swing in front of the rib cage, which will allow it to stay bent longer into impact. Hopefully, the result will be less flip and more face control.